Saturday 4 October 2014

Venice - 04/10/2014

So Verona a city on water, canals full of boats and bridges, gondalas and speed boats. The place where parts of James Bond films were shot. This is a favourite place of mine, so many shops and small maekets, the scenery of all the water ways and mounds of bridges all different in there own way. I could take pictures all day! 

(First canal we seen after gettin off the train)

This day was different as the things we seen were much different. Ok we seen a church or two and a basilica, but I wanted to see the rest such as the gondolas.

After waltzing round through small alley ways and over bridges taking photos of the...

San Zaccaria Church
Doges Palace
Saint Marks Basilica
Teatro le Fenice - Famous Opera House
Rialto bridge - large bridge full of small shops
And getting a quick selfie

We ended up here is Prada, just what Tammy was waiting for! What's that she has found?? Oh my a purse, kinda seen this coming after she looking in Versace yesterday.

So anyway Tammy walks out with this and she even asked my opinion, not quite sure what to make of it if I'm honest.... Tammy asking for opinion that is.

A blue Prada Purse...πŸ˜†

Anyway, enough of that coz even I eyed up a Prada bag for myself at €800+!!

So food it was Tammy had a pizza and I had lasagne, nothing special oh and a bottle of rosΓ¨ between us. 

Feeling slightly tipsy as we hadn't ate much and it was pretty warm we went and grabbed a gondola ride πŸ˜ƒ

As you can see the guy was very cheerful and he whistled some tunes as we went around and gave us a bit of a guide. We went through canals and out into the main river. As the end I let the guy hold my DSLR (lucky git) to get a snap of me and Tammy and our guide, he realised it was a pretty quick snapping camera and got trigger happy as we called him (Happy Snappy) we got off and started walking, he shouted so when are you going to pay me, I completely forgot haha. Damn it I tried didn't I πŸ˜‰.

After buying an Italian made shirt and jumper we headed for the train with a few mins to spare we hopped on and get settled, so here I am writing this as we are still on the train, tomorrow is the drive back to nice for a night....yes!! Sorry gotta love nice 😜

Milan 03/10/2014

(Main Street from the station)

Duomo Di Milano

Porta Romona & Porta Ticinese - These were two arches amoungst many around Milan, the Porta Romana still had the doors on and open which would allow entry. 

Duomo di Milano - Shopping Mall was a very large and spacious consisting of a crossroad type layout and many shops such as Versace, Gucci, Prada, Armani & More. Yeah you would need money to shop here.

Sforzeseo Castle - this is a large castle with large grounds with water fountains and other garden features. These was a running event being held by and had stalls featuring products and also Nissan with a 4x4 from there range. They had Italy's best music station DeeJay blasting out some tunes which you could hear across the parks and gardens.

Monumental Cemetey - we seen the grave of an Olimpic swimmer/diver. Can't remember the name off the too of my head but will update as soon as I find it in the DSLR was expecting to see it but the graveyard was different and some of the graves were pretty outstanding I must say.

We took another selfie

We then went to eat and headed back to the train to get settled for the next day but seen a whole set of building filled with photos from the years of Vogue Italy.

Bologna & Florence 02/10/2014

Well San Marino was scrapped today, we couldn't be bothered with driving for 2h30m after the past two days, so we decided to change the plan and go to bologna, home of the famous spaghetti Bolognese called Ragu. We went up the one of the Two Towers as one was in half and about sunk into the groud, the other was extremely tall, with creaking wooden steps all the way up and the occasional floor to rest at this must have took a good 10/15 mins to get up. 

(Bologna from above)

We then went to see the Bologna Carhederal, honestly I've seen that many now I could probably build my own.
(Outside the Cathederal)

(Inside the Cathederal)

We also visited Neptunes Fountain and the Medieval Market in which Tammy brought some pasta and sauce.

On the short drive back we have blue sky's full of fluff balls and the view of mountains in the background, to say we have drive a lot on the motorway we have seen a lot, sone fascinating sights.
(Road From Bologna)

When back in Florence we went to the Cathederal which I shown you in a previous post to go inside it. As we walked to it we passed the nearby resteraunt we ate at, this was very good service, cheap and nice food...but nothing beats the town of Garda at Lake Garda.

Here is a view of Florence from way above! Yes we have more bloody stairs to climb, this time we was enclosed with brick walls and trying to get two people through, there was no organised system for this II was a sick ya guy in a squeeze past.

(View from Carhederal in Florence)

(Stairs to the top, these walls also became slanted πŸ˜₯)

Well that was pretty much all we got to do today, so wasn't a bad day at all, off to Milan tomorrow.

Verona & Lake Garda - 01/10/2014

Rain? Really? Oh well let's give it a shot.

Here we are in Verona, famous for Romeo & Juliet.

Today we visited the

Scaliger Tombs - these were not accessible at the time but it was two small canopys made of stone just like everything monumental. And these had small statues in and under at all was basically a large stone box. I'm guessing these were the tombs. 

Santa Maria Antica - A church like building

Torre Dei Lamberti - A art gallery/museum in a courtyard surrounded by buildings with a tall tower in one corner, we didn't visit inside as we had seen so much and didn't want to over do it.

Market - This market was just like a small village market.

Juliets Balcony - packed with people but still great to see, you walk through a small tunnel through the buildings to a tiny courtyard, to see the balcony. The tunnel has notes to Juliet on one side but the orherside is full of layers of writing 

Verona Arena - what used to be a small roman type arena converted into a a fully used arena for shows.

Castlevecchio - this was a lovely castle, with a museum.

San Zeno Maggiore Basilica

Lake Garda
This place was awesome and about 37 minute drive from Verona, with the sun setting over a lake in which you can't even see the other side, the hills which were inverted to the lake became a silhouette to the orange sky. With a small promenade and walkway to a small wooden structure of a octagonal roofed stand. Flower beds and small features around really finished it off. We decided to eat there as it got late and wouldn't be around 11 till we was back. So there was a small resteraunt with an outdoor eating area and it's themed with frogs, the service was outstand and the food was to die for, and you certainly got enough! And even better the price was really cheap and that's including the service charge of €2. This resteraunt was called il Giardino Delle Rane. Must go here if you visit Garda, Il Garda.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Rome In A Day - 30/09/2014

Well Rome in a day what can i say?

So today was just pure manic!

We was on time for the first train and got off at the wrong stop in Rome, I blame this to the lack of signs and all it said in the board was roam... So we jumped on the next passing train which lost us 45 mins. So what did we see...

Circus Maximus
So this wasn't as expected, it looked like a big field with a long mound through the middle. To be honest I didn't quite know what to expect.

Arch of Constantine 
This was an arch which you could pass under and was minutes walk from the Colosseum and Palentine Hill. 

The Colosseum was quite cool, I would have loved to go right into the centre through what looks like a maze, but we was restricted to the sides, still got some awesome pictures from inside!

Palentine Hill & Roman Forum
This was all pretty much one, you go up the hill to the gate scan your ticket to the rest of the hill and then your at the roman forum, this was loads to photograph in here.

Altar of the Fatherland
It was pretty much all white.... Yes it was a massive white landmark with statues of lions etc, and up the center there was flights of steps, no we didn't go up we didn't have enough time and I'm fed up of steps haha. 

This was a round domed building with all columns at the front, you could walk in and each wall had a large painting or memorial. The roof had a round hole in dead center for what reason I couldn't tell you.

Fiumi Fountain
Right in the middle of a Palazza, there was lucky lucky men all stood round it selling dodgy bags and other crap, but there was a spot which I could get a picture without these being in the way.

Castle St. Angelo
We approached this castle from the bridge we crossed coming from Fiumi Fountain, didn't go inside once again not enough time but got a few snaps but I'd like to think it would be worth going into if we ever visit again.

At. Peters Basilica
A basilica, what to say I've seen so many they are all similar but in there own different way, very detailed large structures with so much to see inside. Most are very quiet in which I struggled as for those who know me will understand.

Spanish Steps
Full of people, it was rammed. You have loads of steps, not givin it away in the name at all! And everyone was just piled on them eating ice creams, reading books, scetching whatever they felt like. Then at the bottom was a small fountain in the shape of a boat. Just managed to get a picture of this.

Trevi Fountain
Quite disappointed, just like most things today it was being worked on so the majority was covered up and big plastic sheets were placed around the edge.

Right time to get that last train! Me and Tammy power walked to the station to get the train we got there with a 5 mins to spare I grabbed 2 bottles of water and Tammy nipped to loo. We go to the platform To find we missed it by 2 minutes!!! Gutted! We had a right job in out hands now. We had to buy another ticket from the wrong station we got off at in the first place to Florence and we had to go and find where to buy a city train ticket to get us to this station. Again with a few mins to spare after waiting in a cue to see a guy who was so slow I found a shop in the station that sold them. 
That's it we ran and got on the city train.
I was dripping, after running round the station and so tiered we go to the station, we got told to go to platform 12 and we got on the train, the guy stopped us and told us to get off as it's the wrong train! WTF!! So I has to run back up to the Italio train company and she said the train number is wrong on the ticket you want platform 12 and told us the correct train number! Finally on the train and back to Florence we was. 

You know why they say... When in Rome!