Wednesday 1 October 2014

Rome In A Day - 30/09/2014

Well Rome in a day what can i say?

So today was just pure manic!

We was on time for the first train and got off at the wrong stop in Rome, I blame this to the lack of signs and all it said in the board was roam... So we jumped on the next passing train which lost us 45 mins. So what did we see...

Circus Maximus
So this wasn't as expected, it looked like a big field with a long mound through the middle. To be honest I didn't quite know what to expect.

Arch of Constantine 
This was an arch which you could pass under and was minutes walk from the Colosseum and Palentine Hill. 

The Colosseum was quite cool, I would have loved to go right into the centre through what looks like a maze, but we was restricted to the sides, still got some awesome pictures from inside!

Palentine Hill & Roman Forum
This was all pretty much one, you go up the hill to the gate scan your ticket to the rest of the hill and then your at the roman forum, this was loads to photograph in here.

Altar of the Fatherland
It was pretty much all white.... Yes it was a massive white landmark with statues of lions etc, and up the center there was flights of steps, no we didn't go up we didn't have enough time and I'm fed up of steps haha. 

This was a round domed building with all columns at the front, you could walk in and each wall had a large painting or memorial. The roof had a round hole in dead center for what reason I couldn't tell you.

Fiumi Fountain
Right in the middle of a Palazza, there was lucky lucky men all stood round it selling dodgy bags and other crap, but there was a spot which I could get a picture without these being in the way.

Castle St. Angelo
We approached this castle from the bridge we crossed coming from Fiumi Fountain, didn't go inside once again not enough time but got a few snaps but I'd like to think it would be worth going into if we ever visit again.

At. Peters Basilica
A basilica, what to say I've seen so many they are all similar but in there own different way, very detailed large structures with so much to see inside. Most are very quiet in which I struggled as for those who know me will understand.

Spanish Steps
Full of people, it was rammed. You have loads of steps, not givin it away in the name at all! And everyone was just piled on them eating ice creams, reading books, scetching whatever they felt like. Then at the bottom was a small fountain in the shape of a boat. Just managed to get a picture of this.

Trevi Fountain
Quite disappointed, just like most things today it was being worked on so the majority was covered up and big plastic sheets were placed around the edge.

Right time to get that last train! Me and Tammy power walked to the station to get the train we got there with a 5 mins to spare I grabbed 2 bottles of water and Tammy nipped to loo. We go to the platform To find we missed it by 2 minutes!!! Gutted! We had a right job in out hands now. We had to buy another ticket from the wrong station we got off at in the first place to Florence and we had to go and find where to buy a city train ticket to get us to this station. Again with a few mins to spare after waiting in a cue to see a guy who was so slow I found a shop in the station that sold them. 
That's it we ran and got on the city train.
I was dripping, after running round the station and so tiered we go to the station, we got told to go to platform 12 and we got on the train, the guy stopped us and told us to get off as it's the wrong train! WTF!! So I has to run back up to the Italio train company and she said the train number is wrong on the ticket you want platform 12 and told us the correct train number! Finally on the train and back to Florence we was. 

You know why they say... When in Rome!

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