Sunday 28 September 2014

Pisa & Florence 29/09/2014

Yey! It's wonky tower time! Haha

Now this was pretty cool, going up this was a bit of a challenge, try climbing stairs that are at a 5 degrees angle! But the structure was magnificent.

We also went to the Cathederal which was right next to it and also seen the baptist church.

Here is a view from halfway up the Pisa

We then went to Orto Botanico Gardens, now as good as Pisa was compared to the precious day I was disappointed with the gardens :(

How're I found Italy's version if the major oak!

Yup held up with supports lol.

Then Florence! The Florence Carhederal was massive! I mean massive!

Oh and this street, all you could smell was leather! Coats, Belts & Boots! Just gull of it from shop to shop.

We have also seen Neptune's fountain!

And crossed the Pont Vecchio, basically a brige with shops on and in the last people would live.

After this we made it to Piazzale Michelangelo, you could see all of Florence and further! Got some pretty amazing pictures on the 5D as the sunset.

Then we went and had food! My god I was hungry do sod it get me a pizza! Visit Italy, live Italy 

Travel to Italy via Genoa 28/09/2014

Time to leave France behind and go to Genoa, in all fairness I don't have any photos on my phone to show you but it was a dive! I pulled in near a car park which was locked so we couldn't go in and went to see this popular lighthouse of genoa, well it was a little impressive but I didn't trust the area, it was like major oil docks, I kept looking under car to see if the engine splutter oil all over lol. 

We did visit Italy's best aquarium, which was probably the best but about it and I feel so bad but I do have one picture to show....

We was so hungry it was the only safe place to eat! It was a snack and run as we was running late but we made it to Florence about 9:10pm got checked in and but by a million Mosquitos, the room wasn't half bad but I guess it's a bed for the night. But tomorrow is Pisa & Florence :)

Monaco - 27/09/2014

The view in Monaco, after 30 mins trying to park we finally started to explore the glorious rich Monaco. There was a fantastic boat show from what we could see as we wasn't paying €150 to go through the gates to the gazebos and the very front. However I did get to photograph a Porche Spider & Helicopter.

Besides that we decided to what I can only explain is climb! But check the view!

This is the Princes Palace, with guards at the front frequently marching. 

This is another view from near the Princes Palace of just one of the docks. 

Hold on, Let me take a Selfie!

Hahaha, we after this lots we climbed so many steps to go and see the exotic gardens, this was full of various odd and colourful plants. 

But we also stopped by to get our Starbucks mugs! Well I got the Monaco one and Tammy decided to get the France one there and then also. 

Monaco overall is very good, the Muse Oceangraphic was also worth going in.

Oh did I forget to mention all the Farrari's, Bentleys', Porche's, Audi's and other flashy cars we seen out and about, managed to photograph a few outside the casino. 

Do yh if you get chance visit!

St-Tropez & Monaco & Casino 26/09/2014

Well what to say about St- Tropez, it wasn't my cup of tea, there wasn't a great amount to see, we only spent an hour or two and doubled that in driving there and back, was a small port, light house and shops and resteraunts, however there was some racing boat teams all preparing as in monaco there was a big Yatch show so both places were full of Yatchs some around £46M!

St Tropez

We finally go to Monaco and things just got messed up, say nav went nuts and spent ages trying to park it was a write off, eventually we parked and then went to the Musee Oceanographic, this was pretty cool, let's of fish to see and sharkes etc. didn't take long to go round and batteries had ran out as for some reason nothing in the room charged over night, so we said sod it well go back and come back for the rest as it had been a really long day.

This is it guys the casino! Casino Monte Carlo. We got ready and headed for the casino, just €10 to get in the first room we got the slot machine, black jack & roulette. We got 2 drinks totalling €24 and had a few goes on the slots, I made a winning :) the casino was a really nice building but not quite what we expecting, I think our expectations were too high or it just let us down that particular night. So after our drink and a few games we headed back to the room and got prepped for the next day.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Marseille - 25/09/2014

After a 2h30m drive we reached Marseille.

This place was pretty huge! Many of the streets from the harbour just seem to go up in pretty much every village, town and city. 

So we set of with the list of what we wanted to see, Paroissue Saint Victor, Marseille Carhederal, Park Longchamp and the Basilica Notre-Damn of the Garde. 

These were all pretty amazing places! Park Longchamp was my favourite, it was a symmetrical structure so big, with a waterfall down the canter and all stone sculptures of lions, bulls, people and columns. There were steps up each side and at the top was a garden, and honestly I was pretty gutted as it was a fab entrance but the garden was a let down.

Here was a quick shot of the view from Paroisse Saint Victor. This was the mariner/Port again with many nice Yachts/Boats. 

Finally makin it to Maraille Cathederal. This also was a stunning building.

We finished walking around and decided to eat and so we came actions this pub/resteraunt in the Port.

The Qeeen Victoria, how much English could you get!

Pizza for and a burger for Tammy, any food at this point was good, but it was pretty damn nice!

Thursday 25 September 2014

Having problems!

Sorry for the late posts, some reason until today the blogs wouldn't post, but hey it's some reading material! And a big hi from me and Tammy to everyone at home!

Parc Naturel Regional Du Verdon - Bauduen & Cannes 24/09/2014

We visited the national park which was just a couple of hours away, it was massive, the water was fesh water too, it was so blue like a lagoon. So tempted to swim but it was raining at times and a little windy.

We took a wander in the village going up the through the streets and when I mean up I mean we got a really good view!

After seeing the lake we went back to the hotel to get ready to go Cannes, the home of the film festival and posh boats! Yh that's right check out my new boat!

Taken on my 5D, yh I was this was mine! But anyway we took a look at them all and then went for a meal. Spare ribs, salad, chips & steak, mashed potatoe with truffles, and wok fried veg with 1 bottle of pino vino....€100 oh dear lol.

Nice - 23/09/2014

Got up this morning and today was a day around Nice, we went to see the Massena Museum. This was closed for some reason but the gardens were still open so spent some time walking round them. We then went to to the Nice Cathederal but on route I couldn't resist this!

Strawberry Cheese Cake and a Nutella  Chocolate Wafer Ice Cream, sooo nice!

After munching the Ice Cream we went down the side streets.

At the local market we arrived, took a wander got some airiel views of the market after finding some steps to the roof beside a resteraunt. Then went through the aches to find we was at the sea front. 

Take in the views...

After chilling out at the beach we carried on to some more gardens with a carousel and some other random objects lol. Pictures to be sorted....

So what was left but to find a bar!

Hmmm wrong glass but who cares it's what was in it!

So yh that's Nice, well a small part off it. 

Tomorrow is the national park :)

We are here!!! 22/09/2014

And here we are in nice arrive around 6pm as had a few issues on route.

This was coming off the ferry in Calais, surprisingly a pleasant crossing, I tried to sleep but unlucky for me some guy was smashing the slots and all I could hear was music and sound effects! Ready for getting the stool and belting him! 

So the driving begins, having regular stops for stretches and loo breaks, we made it to Avignon. This was gorgeous, the pebble stoned floor, the Art Deco in the walls and the quaint balconys. I could have stayed all day.
But we had things to see, we went and seen the Palais des Papes, Avignon Cathederal and the Pont Saint Bénézet. I will feature pictures from these on my site this will be available on time.

We then carried on after having a sandwich by the Pont Saint Bénézet.

When arrived in Nice, Oh My God! Wow! Was way bigger than I anticipated! After scrambling through traffic and making our way to the hotel, we get a wash coz man I stunk! Haha we hit just over 1000 miles already! Filled up 3 times, once in uk twice in France.

After a wash me and Tammy did the first thing on the list, find a bar! 1 Bud, 1 Black Russian and 2 Jäger Bombs.

Good Times!!

Few piks of the sea front at night.

Sunday 21 September 2014

The Dock

So we have reached the Dover Docks! We was only late by 45 mins thanks to traffic in the M1 j23 all the way to the M25 and along that too. 

So we just had £20 voucher for the food court and take a look at the picture to see what we got :p.

Anyway off to get some kip for the 2 hour crossing and Tammy is watching superman so see you later!

Today is the day!

Okay world, here we are, me and my partner Tammy about to set off on out 2500+ mile road trip to France and Italy.

Keep checking back for pictures and little posts as I will try my best to share this wonderful and exciting journey with you all.

Wish us luck!