Thursday 25 September 2014

We are here!!! 22/09/2014

And here we are in nice arrive around 6pm as had a few issues on route.

This was coming off the ferry in Calais, surprisingly a pleasant crossing, I tried to sleep but unlucky for me some guy was smashing the slots and all I could hear was music and sound effects! Ready for getting the stool and belting him! 

So the driving begins, having regular stops for stretches and loo breaks, we made it to Avignon. This was gorgeous, the pebble stoned floor, the Art Deco in the walls and the quaint balconys. I could have stayed all day.
But we had things to see, we went and seen the Palais des Papes, Avignon Cathederal and the Pont Saint Bénézet. I will feature pictures from these on my site this will be available on time.

We then carried on after having a sandwich by the Pont Saint Bénézet.

When arrived in Nice, Oh My God! Wow! Was way bigger than I anticipated! After scrambling through traffic and making our way to the hotel, we get a wash coz man I stunk! Haha we hit just over 1000 miles already! Filled up 3 times, once in uk twice in France.

After a wash me and Tammy did the first thing on the list, find a bar! 1 Bud, 1 Black Russian and 2 Jäger Bombs.

Good Times!!

Few piks of the sea front at night.

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